Welcoming David Trimm to the Bailiff Team
Category: Lakeside Photos
General photos taken on the banks of the lakes.
Barn Lake – Spawning Activity
The Barn Lake has been closed up now as fish have started to get a little playful. Horseshoe Lake is still open and fishable until further notice.
Closed for Spawning pt.2
Temporarily closed to finish spawning and give the fish a bit of a breather. Re-open on 27th June 2022
This Friday 16th and Saturday 17th Fully booked
Bookings only this weekend I’m afraid. No room at the inn!
Bank Holiday Fishing
Due to the volume of bookings there will be no Day Fishing on 2nd, 3rd & 4th April
Another Lake Record
Chris pulled in ‘The Claw’ weighing in mid 60’s
Doesn’t he look like he’s having fun?!
New Epic Stock!
Bit late this as these went in a month ago but they must be seen.
100 C3’s: Mix of Leney Mirrors and Redmire Commons
Some beasty C5/C6’s too as shown by our Celebrity faces 😉
Tier 4 but still open for Fishing
Due to the nature and set up of the lakes we do not quiz you about where you are from etc but just ask for some common sense. We do not want anybody who is unwell or supposed to be self-isolating at the fishery.
Not all Police are aware that Fishing is a permitted activity so save this picture to show if needed
New Lake Record
Looks like “Beast” has had the munchies and has put on a few pounds.
Well done to Andrew Morgan on his catch weighing in at 59lbs
Saturday ‘Day Fishing’ is back on
Thankyou everybody for your patience. Saturday day sessions are now back in play. Remember to book if you intend to night fish